Own Your Beliefs: easily invest in our planet

Own Your Beliefs: easily invest in our planet

PropelAuth is proud to be the auth provider of choice for companies working to make the world a better place. In this series, we’ll showcase some of our customers who are tackling issues in sustainability, climate change and greentech.

Company Name: Own Your Beliefs
Company Website: https://www.ownyourbeliefs.org/
Founders: Clark Gredoña, Moulika Aluri, Matt Soens

What does Own Your Beliefs do?
Own Your Beliefs is a web app and API that 1) makes company carbon emissions data more accessible than ever before and 2) makes it simple to understand the financed emissions of your stock portfolio

What was the inspiration for founding CarbonHQ?
Clark, Moulika, and Matt wanted to build for the issue they care “most urgently about” - climate change. They realized that when you invest in a company, you not only share in that company’s profits, you also share responsibility for their environment impact… and they realized they weren’t alone: 96% of millennial investors are interested in sustainable investing.

As they dug in deeper, they realized that company sustainability data difficult to get and hard to make sense of, making sustainable investment a murky process at best.

How has PropelAuth helped?
Besides building a great authentication product that's been a breeze to use, Andrew, Victoria, and the PropelAuth team have been so kind with their time offering direct support anytime we've asked for it - thank you!” -Clark Gredoña

Click here to see more companies building towards a sustainable future.