Focus on building...
not on calculating your bill
PropelAuth's pricing is transparent and straightforward, with a robust B2B feature set. While Clerk has some availability in terms of B2B features, they tend to charge for every line item - organizations, organization members... even collaborators within your system.
Unlimited orgs
Unlimited org members
Unlimited collaborators
MFA included in Free plan
Custom roles included in Free plan
Self-Serve SAML walkthrough guides
User insights and Google Analytics integration
Built-in audit logging
Fast, personal support from experts on our team
100 orgs ($1/month/org after)
5 members/org (more with $25/month add-on)
3 collaborators ($10/month/collaborator after)
Requires $100/month add-on
Requires $100/month add-on
Heavy SAML set-up process
Build your own analytics and metrics
No audit logging
Community support with long response times
Great auth. No compromises.
Our pricing is straightforward and transparent: a base price with included MAUs. No extra charges for active organizations, collaborators, or SAML connections.
While Clerk has straightforward base pricing, your bill quickly starts to stack up once you hit any kind of scale - milestones like acquiring a new customer or expanding your team all cause your bills to go up.
See for yourself
Comparing options or thinking of switching over from Clerk? Let’s talk.