Auth tools should save you time
not waste your time
You're using an auth provider because you want to take work off of your team's plate, not add to it. PropelAuth gets you everything you need, right out of the box. Cognito gets you... more sprint tasks.
Flexible and customizable UIs
10+ SSO providers supported
Organization management
Invitation flows
Enterprise SSO/SAML support
User impersonation
Internal tooling and customer support dashboard
User insights and Google Analytics integration
Limited branding options
4 SSO providers supported
Build it yourself
Build it yourself
Build it yourself
Build it yourself
Build it yourself
Build it yourself
Great auth. Out of the box.
PropelAuth understands that you shouldn't need to become an auth expert to give your users a great, secure experience. We take care of all of the details, so you don't have to deep dive into obscure terminology just to get up and running.
Cognito is a heavy solution - practically designed for people who already know quite a bit about auth. The documentation is lacking, and requires quite a bit of cross-referencing to figure out.
See for yourself
Comparing options or thinking of switching over from Cognito? Let’s talk.