Using PugSQL and FastAPI

Most of the tutorials/guides that I read about FastAPI and Python web frameworks in general use SQLAlchemy directly. While SQLAlchemy is great, I personally prefer writing raw SQL over using an ORM.
PugSQL is a really interesting alternative that allows you to write your own SQL files that look like this:
-- :name get_url :scalar
SELECT url FROM urls WHERE slug = :slug;
And then use that in your Python code like this:
queries = pugsql.module("path/to/sql/files")
url = queries.get_url(slug="search_for_me")
Using this alongside FastAPI allows you to write very clean looking code, like this:
import pugsql
from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException, Depends
from starlette.responses import RedirectResponse
app = FastAPI()
queries = pugsql.module("path/to/sql/files")
async def redirect_to_full_url(slug: str):
url = queries.get_url(slug=slug)
if url is None:
raise HTTPException(status_code=404)
return RedirectResponse(url)
What’s really fantastic about this is the separation of concerns. At an application level, I’m just looking at a function call with arguments. I can easily mock queries when I’m testing.
At a SQL file level, each SQL query is performing one specific action. I provide a name for the action, a return type, and all the parameters. I can use integration tests to make sure these queries are correct independently from my application, like so:
queries = pugsql.module("path/to/sql/files")
queries.create_url(slug="example", url="")
assert queries.get_url(slug="example") == ""
assert queries.get_url(slug="EXAMPLE") is None
If you want to see a full example backend built with these technologies, including database migrations, check out this blog post.